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Conducted Immunity

Conducted Immunity Simulation

Conducted immunity is the reverse of conducted emissions, with respect to the direction of the unwanted electromagnetic energy. In this case, the electromagnetic noise energy is generated by an external source and channeled to the equipment under analysis over a conductive path, usually the power or other signal cables. Our conducted immunity simulation approach usually includes a source of this unwanted electromagnetic energy which can be modeled schematically within a circuit and co-simulated with a 3D model. 


For specific scenarios, we can simulate electrical and electronic system noise, and other common sources of unwanted electromagnetic energy within the schematic model using Pulse Width Modulation and Spread spectrum clock settings as needed. Alternatively we can also include 3D models of RF noise coupling clamps and other transducers used in typical test setups per the applied conducted immunity standard.


Inputs required for a conducted immunity setup are identical to those required for conducted emissions setup. Please refer to the conducted emissions page for reference.


To get started with a conducted immunity simulation, get in touch with us.

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